First, consider the goal of a good kg program. KG provides your child with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills that he will use throughout his schooling.

  • The development of self-esteem is one of the important goals of KG. This is the process of helping your child feel good about who she is and confident in her ability to tackle the challenges of learning. Books can be a great help with
  • KG teaches cooperation: the ability to work, learn, and get along with others. A year in kindergarten provides your child with the opportunity to learn patience, as well as the ability to take turns, share, and listen to others . All social and emotional learning skills that he will use through his school years and beyond.
  • Most children are naturally curious, but some do not know how to focus or use this curiosity. KG is a time for sparking and directing your child’s curiosity and natural love of learning.

We have following aims for KG program :

1. Expand your child’s ability to learn about (and from) the world, organize information, and solve problems.

2. Provide a combination of formal (teacher-initiated) and informal (child-initiated) activities.

3. Minimize use of large group activities that require sitting.

4. Foster a love of books, reading, and writing.